
Entrepreneur Magazine Interview

Entrepreneur Magazine Interview

We were contacted by TeamSubkit to do an interview for GoSolo magazine, an online entrepreneur magazine. We were thrilled to be featured in one of ...

Keep on Keeping On...

As I'm sure you've already guessed, we are unable to attend events right now because they have all been cancelled. When it was just a few weeks tha...

Service Dog Etiquette

Service Dog Etiquette

In lieu of dog training education month, I have asked one of our long-time customers, Kristen Sawyer, to provide some insight and proper etiquette...

It's a blessing to be a blessing...

It's a blessing to be a blessing...

As we embark on a new decade, we've given ample thought to goal setting and planning as I'm sure many of you have done also.  This month, we have s...

The Dog Lover's Wish List

Check out Cindy Aldridge's (from article below! We were featured in her wish list! Photo Courtesy of Pixabay.   The Dog Lov...

When life gives you....chickens!?

When life gives you....chickens!?

I'm sure the title of this post was not what you expected. Isn't it supposed to read, "When life gives you lemons...." Well, yes that is the normal...

Lucy's Top Picks for Halloween!

Lucy's Top Picks for Halloween!

Lucy loves Halloween (mainly because she get's pumpkin flavored treats), but also because of all of the fun costumes available for dogs! This year ...